Welcome to Altamont Education Advisory Board
The Altamont Landfill Settlement Agreement created the Altamont Education Advisory Board to propose allocation of funds in the Education Account for diversion education programs, job training in the field of waste diversion and recycling and mitigating the impacts of the landfill operations on the affected neighboring community.
About Altamont Education Advisory Board.
In 1999, the County of Alameda, the cities of Livermore and Pleasanton, the Sierra Club, the Northern California Recycling Association, and Altamont Landowners Against Rural Mismanagement entered into an agreement with Waste Management of Alameda County, Inc. This agreement, known as the Altamont Settlement Agreement, created the Altamont Settlement Agreement Education Advisory Board, or EAB. The EAB convenes monthly and has five voting members. Two members are appointed by the Northern California Recycling Association, one member is the Environmental Educator appointee on the Alameda County Source Reduction and Recycling Board, and the Livermore City Council and the Pleasanton City Council each appoint one member. The EAB provides funding for those providing services in Alameda County.